Wednesday, May 20, 2009


All life is incredibly valuable. Yeah, I know. Obvious. But that is something that I'm still figuring out. I found a young bird being pawled by the neighbors cat on my back porch. It seemed resigned to face a slow death handed out by the toying tomcat. I brushed the cat aside and looked at the bird. Although on the grand scale, a very insignificant life, he emanated such a powerful soul. I'm really not into the whole ghost chasers and sylvia brown thing, but the bird moved me and the whole sitiuation shook me. Here is a young bird that is injured and out of it's nest. Tons of birds like him die every day. This is natures way of ensuring that only those that are strongest and most viable survive and produce even stronger offspring. The whole "survival of the fittest" thing that gets completely misuderstood and misrepresented.
My point is this, there was such a soul in that bird. And in nature, he shouldn't survive based on whatever circumstance brought him to this situation. But by my actions, the bird lives on and nature has let one slip through the cracks. Maybe it will catch up with him later on. Are we supposed to wage this war against the way of nature and save every cat, dog, bird, or deer that we find that is facing a dire situation? In reality, these purges have to be made so that the whole population survives and they don't run out of resources.
This discussion flows into helping the disadvantaged. Whether it be mentally, physically, emotionaly, or financialy disadvantaged, these are still (i think?) nature's way of attempting to create the best suitable population.
i've grown bored...maybe more elementary ramblings later.

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